I'll be that friend you never wanted

I'll be that friend you never wanted

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Diagnosis: Asthma

So its that time of year again, SPRING. The sky is blue , the grass is green, your hearing a chorus of trumpets playing in the not so distant background.
This makes you : 

 Soon however its DROWNED OUT by the voices people who call themselves your friends, complaining about a particular common chronic problem. 
This makes you : 

 How I see it: You just drowned out my chorus fother mucker! Stop talking to me!

(anger displayed in proper fashion) 

So apparently I'm suppose to listen to them complain because this is SERIOUS and could kill them. I don't think they realize that if they were dead they wouldn't be talking to me all spring, which in the ends is kinda sorta my end goal. So I researched this and turns out they have really sensitive airways which start to swell when triggered (viruses, dust, tiny bugs!). Their body tries to get rid of it through coughing but it swells to tight and leads them to stop breathing. 

Are you serious people? You have your own association because your too sensitive. Has the world not properly beat this out of you? 

Personay though i think it would be awesome to have asthma. Forget this inflamatory disease bullshit, your obviously have superpowers!

Think about it, your so genetically advanced that your body is detecting things the rest of us can't. Were so use to seeing things like this

When we need to see like this.

Yeah now your terrified.
I wanna know when that shit is coming at me !

Puffers: breathed in to help stop the swelling and innfalmation.Which puts a new question to mind. 
PUFFER: usefull medication or KRYPTONITE
Would no one believe that in a society where differences are scorned and feared, they wouldnt want to erradicate or at least control a new species of human. What happend if you dont take medications? You could die OR you might mutate to a new being that a comic geek hasnt even dreamed to imagine. Just saying.
How i see it number 2 : Pill up or man up.
Thesis: Have asthma? you could just be a SUPERHERO.

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